Little Bee, an illegal asylum seeker in England makes her way to a British couple whose paths tragically crossed with hers while they were on holiday on a beach in strife-torn Nigeria. Without giving anything away, her arrival on their doorstep in Kingston-on-Thames sets certain events in motion that have calamitous results and cause more than one moral dilemma.
I enjoyed the originality of Little Bee, however, it was almost a bit too telescopically written for my liking-- it seemed more like a screenplay for a movie, the scenes being so short, almost isolated, and so packed full of meaning. There were just SO many moments pregnant with significance, like pictures of iconic scenes in a ten-day-ten-country European vacation slide show jumping from slide to slide-- it seemed like it needed a little more exposition and transition.
Still, it’s a worthy read and recommendable, and will certainly elicit some interesting thoughts and discussion. Pick it up and see what you think!
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