Jane Eyre. I've seen several film versions of it, but until now I'd never read the novel. Shame on me. I was motivated to read it after it appeared on my daughter's English literature syllabus this year. I didn't read it simultaneously with her class, but nearly so-- I was a month or two late. Most literature from the 1800s always frightened me off in the past (Jane Eyre was published in 1847), and I'm still not over my somewhat inexplicable Dickens-phobia (but maybe I'm coming closer to a cure). Jane Eyre is amazingly accessible and a real page-turner full of unique characters and plot-twists. Of course, I knew the secret of the madwoman in the attic, but what a treat it must have been in 1847 to read it with no spoilers. Such suspense! It really is a haunting story, full of tragedy, but one that is full of life and love as well. I think I would have to say it's definitely a girls' book and I was surprised at some of the hints at feminism at such an early time. Anyway, I'm glad to have checked it off my list. I'm now reading Jean Rhys's Wide Sargasso Sea, which is a prequel to Jane Eyre and attempts to tell the story of Bertha Mason, Rochester's insane wife who came from the Caribbean.
This novel comes from the 2005 Orange Prize winning author of We Need to Talk About Kevin , a disturbing book in which a parent with ambivalent feelings towards motherhood deals with the aftermath of a Columbine-style school killing perpetrated by her son. Lionel Shriver has said that she prefers to create characters that are hard to love, and So Much for That certainly contains some flinty characters, who although they may be hard to love, are nevertheless very believable.
The topic this time is healthcare in America. Shep is all ready to launch into an exotic early retirement on the island of Pemba off the eastern coast of Africa, but when his wife reveals a diagnosis of mesothelioma, he must hold on to his job to maintain family health coverage to see her through her devastating illness. His work colleague and friend, Jackson, experiences a medical dilemma completely of his own doing, which proves to be his un doing. Jackson's daughter suffers from an unusual genetic disorde...
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