This intriguing police procedural, set in and around Dublin, chronicles two cases that take place in the same locale, but years apart. Detective Ryan is assigned to the modern day case, even though he (secretly) was one of the victims in the previous case that happened to him as a preteen. With all of the conflicts of interest this entails, the story is made even more complex by Ryan’s psychological demons, his trauma-induced amnesia about the past, and the fact that he seems to be an unreliable narrator. This is a complex story, and I felt it took some time to get moving, but the complexity is what makes it compelling, and while the ending is not wholly satisfactory with no resolution regarding the first case, it was well worth the read.
This short novel offers a nostalgic look at England in the 1940s and 1950s. Evie, having just lost her husband after a long marriage, looks back at the fateful summer when they met up at the pleasure palace at the end of the Brighton pier. Evie was meant to marry someone else, Ronnie Doane, aka “The Great Pablo,” a magician whose talents really pull in the crowds in the days before television kept people in their front rooms (and to whom she serves as the feather-plumed magician’s assistant). The novel tells of Ronnie’s back story as a London child war evacuee, whose second family in Oxford is so nurturing and loving that he is conflicted about going back to his real home when the war is over. But Evie marries Jack instead and is ghosted (quite literally) by Ronnie even in her final years of life. A wonderful story about people and relationships.
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