This short novel, winner of the 2011 National Book Award for Fiction, chronicles the gritty life of a motherless rural Mississippi African American family, trying to scrape by in their daily existence. The novel takes place in the days leading up to Katrina and ends with the catastrophic effects of that singular storm. There is love in the Batiste family, but it is so tempered by the hardship of their lives, that it manifests itself in small and sometimes surprising ways. Even though this was a very credible portrayal of rural Southern poverty, I felt it was a bit of a slow-starter, and the pace didn’t really pick up until well into the book. Salvage the Bones provides a good rural counterpart to the Katrina narrative Zeitoun by David Eggers. Salvage the Bones won the 2011 National Book Award for Fiction .
This short novel, winner of the 2011 National Book Award for Fiction, chronicles the gritty life of a motherless rural Mississippi African American family, trying to scrape by in their daily existence. The novel takes place in the days leading up to Katrina and ends with the catastrophic effects of that singular storm. There is love in the Batiste family, but it is so tempered by the hardship of their lives, that it manifests itself in small and sometimes surprising ways. Even though this was a very credible portrayal of rural Southern poverty, I felt it was a bit of a slow-starter, and the pace didn’t really pick up until well into the book. Salvage the Bones provides a good rural counterpart to the Katrina narrative Zeitoun by David Eggers. Salvage the Bones won the 2011 National Book Award for Fiction .
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