This family saga involves two brothers who grow up in Calcutta. One is killed by state forces after his clandestine involvement in an anti-government group, the Naxilites, a Maoist force that was active in India starting in the late 1960s. His brother, who was studying in the United States at the time of his death, marries his brother’s widow and so the uncle serves as father to his unborn child. The book mainly charts the history of Subhash and Gauri’s strained relationship, and the often difficult growing up of Gauri’s daughter, Bela. Gauri eventually abandons Subhash and her daughter, and the secret of Bela's real father remains unrevealed for far too long. Gauri has her own secret, which the reader only finds out at the end of the novel, a secret that might reveal her motivation to flee any vestige of her past and link to her life in India.
Once again Jhumpa Lahiri crafts a tale that successfully and beautifully spans cultures and generations.
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