The plot, however, is a bit overcomplicated-- involving murders, Nazi gold, a conspiracy involving a forged copy of Michelangelo’s Madonna, and a terrorist plot to blow up cultural monuments in Bruges in order to drive out its middle class citizens to a proposed garden suburb built on the neighboring polder... need I go on? It really didn’t hold together and when I said that the city of Bruges is the best character in The Midas Murders, it’s because Van In is so ugly and unlikable, at least in this installment. The series has had a long run in Flanders, so I’m thinking things may improve if the books continue to be released to the US market in translation. I will most likely give Van In another try, if only to luxuriate in the surroundings that make up his police beat, but if the characters and plot don't improve markedly I will have to get my European crime fix elsewhere.
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